Winter Grazing Plan

Intensive Winter Grazing - Willow Park

Ian Archibald Hurst, Gloria Faye Hurst, Geoffrey Ewen McPhailBanco Trustees Ltd, Willowpark Trust,

Willow Park Trust, 

Private Bag 50060, 

Oamaru 9444

Person in Charge:
Paul Butson

Property Address and Legal Description:
641 Georgetown-Pukeuri Road,

SECS 100 103 PT SECS 13-18, 28-29, 32-33 BLK I PT SEC 105 BLK III PAPAKAIO SD LOTS 1-2 DP 24519 SECS 1-2 SO 354959 LOTS 1-2 4 DP 6661 LOT 1 DP 25805 

Farm Size:

Total Wintering Area:

Maximum Annual Winter Grazing Area:

2023 Wintering Area:
2 paddocks totalling 6.77ha

Winter Grazing on fodder beet for mixed age dairy cows, dry stock and young stock.

Mayfield and Timaru

Critical Source Area Management

Critical Source Areas are areas that collect surface water and can transport nutrients to waterways or groundwater. Critical Source Areas (CSA's) are marked on the Winter Grazing Plans for each paddock.

Wet Weather Planning and Animal Welfare

Monitoring and Changes

The plan is monitored daily when shifting stock. Changes are made to this plan as necessary and consent authority is notified. Version history is available.

This plan is reviewed annually and has been updated ahead of the 2024 season.

Paddock Plans
